Seven Reasons Casey Anthony was Found Not Guilty

Last in a series–

Many people were astonished that Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her child.  How could this happen when it appeared to people who followed the trial that she was obviously guilty?

I’ve posted four reasons previously and offer a couple more here:

Reason #5  The prosecutors are incompetent or distracted.

The best …

Seven Reasons Casey Anthony was Found Not Guilty

Last post I started to list the reasons why Casey Anthony may have been found not guilty by a jury.  After more than 30 years working as both a prosecutor and defense lawyer, I have seen this happen before in trials.

The first two reasons can be:

1.  The prosecutor must prove an accused guilty beyond a reasonable 

Seven Reasons Casey Anthony was found Not Guilty

People who followed the televised trial of Casey Anthony seemed to be convinced that she was guilty of killing her child–yet the jury, which heard the case, found her Not Guilty.

How could this happen?

In my 30+ years of trying criminal cases, both as a prosecutor and defense lawyer, I can tell you that it’s rare, …

In Arizona–Will Loughner get off by Insanity?

In some ways it seems so obvious: any person who would plan to assassinate a public official, buy a gun, actually carry out the shooting, and kill people must be insane! Right?

So will Jared Loughner, the shooter in Arizona, get off by reason of insanity in his cases?

Under the law in most states, if a person …

Guantanamo Detainee trial=Justice?

The first Guantanomo detainee to be tried in a civil court in New York was found guilty of one count but acquitted of over 280 other counts by a jury. See story at:

Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani had been held for years before coming to trial for his alleged role in bombings of U.S. targets in the world. …

Terrorist Acquitted=Justice?

A jury of twelve people in Manhattan recently acquitted an alleged terrorist, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani charged with over 280 counts, of all but one count. They found him guilty of Conspiracy to Destroy Government Property. He was the first of the Guantanamo detainees to be tried in a civilian court. Is this justice? Should he have been tried …