Judges Acting Badly

What a difference 30 years makes in our criminal justice system!!

When I first started practicing criminal law in the late 70’s, I worked as both a prosecutor and a Public Defender.  I appeared before at least 60 different judges in the adult and juvenile courts.  The things I used to see…

Today, in the county where I …

Washed-up on the Beach in California

Off the coast of California smugglers used their 30 foot boat to ram a Coast Guard boat, killing Chief Petty Officer, Terrell Horne.  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/09/us/smuggling-is-on-the-rise-off-southern-california-coast.html?scp=1&sq=coast+guard+officer+dies&st=nyt&_r=0  Could this tragedy be a hint of a serious threat to the United States?

With the increased vigilance across the land borders of our country, more smuggling has gone to sea.  Of  course, …

Prosecutors Gone Wild

Two recent cases in Minnesota demonstrate the power or prosecutors and what happens to accused people who may be innocent.

The first case involved a football coach at Mankato State University who had three short videos on his phone of his young children playing in the nude.  The local prosecutor charged the coach with the felony of child …

Lincoln–Beginning of Too Many Lawyers?

You’ve probably seen or heard of the new film, Lincoln.  If not, go.  It’s a great movie with wonderful attention to detail and, like all Spielberg films, a great plot.  As you probably know, Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer, mostly self-taught.  However, he had the good luck to become a lawyer at a time in our country when …

Does Child Protection Protect Children?

Imagine two parents who drank constantly, ignored their children while the wife gambled on line and the husband watched porn–all day long.  The children were forced to eat potato chips off the greasy carpet.

Or the boyfriend who was beating his “woman” and her son intervened to try and stop the violence.  As punishment for interrupting, the man …