Can Trump Fix the Police?

During the presidential campaign, both candidates promised voters they would “fix the police.”  The killings of minority people by police are on manytrump fix the police people’s minds, so the candidates vowed to do something.  Although they both promised a lot, can any president actually do much to fix the police?

Not much.

There are various ways the federal government (and …

What “Finding Nemo” Teaches About Creativity

creativityHow many of you have seen the following films: Finding Nemo, WALL-E, and Toy Story?  I loved the all—the technology and, of course, the stories.  That’s thanks to Andrew Stanton—the director, screenwriter, producer, and even the voices of some of the characters.  In a recent Ted Talk, Mr. Stanton gives great advice to writers and film makers about …

How Can an Eye Witness to a Crime be Wrong?

Remember the famous line-up scene in the film, The Usual Suspects? eye witness to a crime  Probably because of films and TV, we all think an eye witness to a crime can identify an accused and be right most of the time.  Especially, if they accused stands in a line-up.  But, as I mentioned in the last post, when DNA testing has exonerated …

Time to Buy my New Book, “Taste of Temptation”

My new book of short stories called, Taste of Temptation, was published in September of this year.  It’s available now for the low price of $2.99 at Amazon.  Taste of Temptation

Here’s the link:

It’s also available in paperback.

Have you ever been tempted to “get even?”  Get revenge?  Stand up for the underdog to make sure justice is done?  …

Is the U.S. Worse Today?

is the U.S. worse todayBetween the election process, the media fixation on bad news, and peoples’ natural tendency to complain—many ask the question: is the U.S. worse today in comparison to the past?

I can’t answer for everyone, but let me give you my own experience as a trial lawyer for over 30 years and the condition of the criminal justice system.  …