Prosecutor’s Choice

Recently, here in Minneapolis, a man came upon a robbery and chased the attacker.  According to the rescuer, the attacker pulled a gun out at which time the rescuer (who was licensed to carry) shot and killed the attacker.

Last post, I wrote about the law of self-defense in Minnesota.  But if the rescuer didn’t shoot in self-defense, …

Protecting Yourself From Bad Judges

In my years of lawyering, I’ve appeared before dozens of judges.  Here in Minnesota, most of them are diligent, fair, and work hard.  However, there are a few judges who are definitely biased and do and say inappropriate things in court.  If you are scheduled to appear before one of the bad ones, what can your lawyer do …

No Water in Alabama

It’s deja vu in Alabama again–except this time, it’s worse.

Remember that for years the state had legally separate drinking fountains for black and white people?  Today, under new laws passed in Alabama known as  HB56,  illegal aliens in the state may not be able to drink any water.

It’s been called the strictest anti-immigration law passed in …

What Are Lawyers Really Doing in Jury Selection?

I’ve tried dozens of jury trials as both a prosecutor and defense lawyer and have been to many trial schools and courses about how to pick a jury.  In previous posts, I’ve written about the typical questioning that occurs between the lawyers and the prospective jurors.  You’ve seen some of this on TV.  Of course, some of it …

5 Secrets Lawyers Use to Pick Juries

So you’ve received your notice for jury duty?  What can you expect?  In my last post, I wrote about how jurors were initially selected.  Once they are in the courtroom, in state courts, the lawyers do most of the questioning.

What are the lawyers looking for and why do they ask the questions they do?

Prior to starting …

Getting Picked for Jury Duty

After trying dozens of jury trials as both a prosecutor and defense lawyer, I’ve seen almost everything about juries and getting selected for jury duty.  What will happen if you’re picked for a jury?

We all know that every accused person has a right to a jury trial.  It comes to us in America from centuries of English …

Contagion 2

I posted earlier about the new Steven Soderbergh film Contagion because my book Reprisal is also about the possibility of a pandemic occurring in the U.S.  In my story, terrorists threaten to infect American school children with small pox.

What is a pandemic?

When an infectious disease breaks out over a wide geographical area affecting millions of people, …